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Austin Family Trust – 70.14 acres tillable farmland – November 1st at 10:00am

TBD County Road 1B, Elk Point, SD, USA

    Live Auction


  • Property Status: For Sale
  • Open House: SOLD - $17,200 per acre

LAND LOCATION: From Elk Point: Head east 2.5 miles on Country Road 1B.  Farm will be on the south side of the road.  From Jefferson: Head west 4.5 miles on County Road 1B.  Farm will be on the south side of the road.

LIVE AUCTION: To be held at the Pointe Event Center located at 100 S Truman Lane Elk Point, SD 57025.


LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Guillaume Tract 5 SE1/4 and E1/2 NE1/4 Less SFEC Tracts 8 & 9 Section 33, Township 91 North Range 49 West of the 5th P.M. Union County, South Dakota, Containing approx. 70.14 Acres M/L

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: In this phenomenal offering is a 70.14 acre parcel where outstanding location and quality meet.  This farm boasts a nearly record setting soil rating of 96 CSR.  In a year like this, a farm of this quality shows it true ability and resistance to historic rain and weather events.  Whether you are looking to make an addition to your portfolio or just getting started, this farm would be a great addition to your operation. With today’s modern farming practices being the focal point, we all know efficiency is vital to being successful and this farm offers just that. This farm lays nicely, features straight rows and is just a ¼ mile from the Southeast Farmer Cooperative Terminal. The location doesn’t get much better than this.


The Union County FSA shows 71.02 cropland acres with a 39.20-acre corn base with a 169-bushel PLC Yield Index and a 28.40 acre soybean base with a 46-bushel PLC Yield Index.  The NRCS Office shows the main soil types to be Lakeport Silty Clay Loam with smaller amounts of Salix Silty Clay Loam and Albaton Silt Loam.  The weighted average productivity rating is 96. There may be some uncertainties across headlines, but 1 thing for certain is the strength that Rural America has to keep moving forward. It takes foresight, determination, persistence and here is your chance to etch your name into the proud farming history. The opportunity doesn’t present itself very often in this area and I hope you will take a strong look at adding this highly productive farm to your operation. It can be the stepping stone that propels the legacy that you have always dreamed of. Best of Luck!

Property Documents

Aerial Map - Austin Family
Soil Map - Austin Family
156 ez austin family
603 S Park Place, Elk Point, SD
tbd 478 Ave, Elk Point, SD

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